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Our dojo’s are founded on the philosophy of maintaining a special sense of family, camaraderie and community among its members.

Class Structure

The Goju-Ryu Karate method of training has four main components of instruction.  The first and most basic is Kihon which deals with the fundamentals of blocking, striking kicking and stances.  The second method is Kata.  Kata or forms are precise sequence of moves that represent a battle with multiple opponents.  Kumite is the third method of training where students learn to apply the techniques from Kihon & Kata.  The final method of training is Kobudo Weapon training featuring traditional weapons of the Bo, Sai, Nunchaku and Sticks.  Kobudo training is limited to high grades requiring an adequate understanding of Kihon, Kata & Kumite. 

It is important to remember that all classes begin with warm up and stretching exercises preparing the body for the four K’s.







